We're getting our ducks in a row
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What Does Your Organization Need?
Top-rated dinnerware
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Short-form content shown to 5M+ users
Visual campaign assets for nationwide broadcast

50+ video deliverables & church assets for leadership campaign

Commercial & docu production and post-production creative

Docu-style story utilized for multi-outlet usage

Milestone celebration & fundraising videos for higher engagement

Digital and sales strategy for public education development

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What I Do
My background on creative teams and within various creative projects has led to a variaiton of designing anything from campaign graphics to pamphlets and business cards. All of this in line with brand guidelines. Need a poster, business card, booth design, and more? I'm here to help.
We start with a goal and a solid plan. Teaming up with strategists and using frameworks that have taken organizations to new heights, I'm here to guide you to achieve more with your organization.
Full disclosure: I don't know much about coding, but I know some folks who do! Rarely do you need code to actually make an effective website (though this site has some). I've helped connect organizations and ministries with donation solutions, content publishing, and more.
On location or in-studio, great stories change organizations and the lives that they touch. I am biased to say that video is the best form to turn heads that engage with your organization. Success stories, stories of difficulty, and stories of overcoming are more effective than any statistic you might ever find.
& Post
Visual Design
Website Solutions

I'm Russell Yandura. I create effective content for purpose-driven organizations. A powerful story & strategy can bring what you do to the next level.
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My Mission
I long to see a world where faith-based non-profits and for-profits thrive.
A world where impact is felt beyond the four walls of a church.
When great stories of change surface, people get behind a cause.
My mission is to tell good stories, great stories, and better stories that awaken this dream.